Brand Track Survey

Value Enhancement Survey (Customer Satisfaction with Product / Service)

Greetings from (Rhinovo)!

Thank you for purchasing from (Rhinovo Pte Ltd). Please take a moment to tell us about your experience with (Rhinovo) products and services.

The aim of this value enhancement survey is for us to better understand your requirements and to know how we can serve you better.

Please fill in your particulars below:

Company Name*

Your Name*

Company Address*

Contact Number*

Your Email*


Q1. Overall, how satisfied are you with (Rhinovo) product's?
A) Very SatisfiedB) SatisfiedC) NeutralD) DissatisfiedE) Very Dissatisfied

Q2. Do you think (Rhinovo) is value for money?
A) DefinitelyB) ProbablyC) Probably notD) Definitely notE) Not sure

Q3. Do you think (Rhinovo) has strong brand image?
A) DefinitelyB) ProbablyC) Probably notD) Definitely notE) Not sure

Q4. How satisfied are you with (Rhinovo) products overall quality?
A) Very SatisfiedB) SatisfiedC) NeutralD) DissatisfiedE) Very Dissatisfied

Q5. How is your usage experience with (Rhinovo)?
A) Very SatisfiedB) SatisfiedC) NeutralD) DissatisfiedE) Very Dissatisfied

Q6. How satisfied are you with (Rhinovo) after sales support?
A) Very SatisfiedB) SatisfiedC) NeutralD) DissatisfiedE) Very Dissatisfied

Q7. How satisfied is your purchase experience with (Rhinovo)?
A) Very SatisfiedB) SatisfiedC) NeutralD) DissatisfiedE) Very Dissatisfied

Q8. How often do you use (Rhinovo) product's?
A) DailyB) Several times a weekC) Once a weekD) Several times a monthE) Once a month or less often

Q9. What sort of enhancement would you like to add to the (Rhinovo) product/s you have purchased?

Q10. Will you continue buying (Rhinovo) products in the future?
A) DefinitelyB) ProbablyC) Probably notD) Definitely notE) Not sure

Q11. If you are considering buying (Rhinovo) products in future, what are the types of
product/s that you will consider?
A) Hand Pallet TruckB) Electric Pallet TruckC) Electric StackerD) Electric Reach TruckE) Electric ForkliftF) Table Lift TruckG) Others

Q12. Would you recommend (Rhinovo) product's to your friend's or affiliate's?
A) DefinitelyB) ProbablyC) Probably notD) Definitely notE) Not sure

Q13. Do you have any requirement for material handling equipments in the future?
A) Yes, may require within 3 monthsB) Yes, may require within 4 – 6 monthsC) Yes, may require within 7 – 11 monthsD) Yes, may require within 1- 2 years, or moreE) No requirement

Q14. If you have any additional feedback about your buying experience with (Rhinovo) and the product/s, and suggestions to improve, please share below

Q15. Do you allow us to showcase your valuable comments in this survey for our
portfolio testimonies or/and marketing purposes (ie. website, corporate brochure,
flyers, posters, etc)?
A) YesB) No

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End of Value Enhancement Survey

Thank you for your time in completing this survey form!